We recently received an email from Mark in Virginia who asked if we knew about any Persian audiobooks. So, we set up a quick poll and sent it to our team members. Some of the top choices were books for learning Farsi while others only featured some aspects of Iranian culture.
Before we get to our list, we suggest you sign up for Amazon Audible’s 30-day free trial. You will get 30 days to try out Audible for free. That way, you can see if any of the Persian audiobooks below are good for you! If you are a better with reading than listening, we recommend you to check out the best books to learn Farsi.
Our Favorite Persian Audiobooks
We broke our list into two groups. The first set focuses on improving your Farsi. The second set of Persian audiobooks covers any cultural, historical, or interesting area of Iranian culture.
Audiobooks for Learning Farsi
Pimsleur Farsi Persian Level 1
Pimsleur is one of the leading companies in language learning. Students have used the Pimsleur approach for decades. This specific course provides the fundamentals for learning Persian. You will only cover basic topics in this course, so do not expect to learn a great deal from this single audiobook. That said, you will get a sample of the Pimsleur Method to determine if the complete series can help you learn Farsi.
Who will like this audiobook?
We recommend the Pimsleur Farsi Level 1 audiobook to the beginning student who wants to stick to one set of audiobooks to learn Persian.
Persian Crash Course
This Persian audiobook is 1.5 hours long, providing you with detailed lessons to improve your Farsi. The course was developed by former U.S. government employees to serve as a quick way to learn the Persian language. You will cover topics like numbers, greetings and daily conversation. We really enjoyed how the authors fit so much content into a lightweight crash course!
Who will like this audiobook?
This Persian audiobook is an excellent choice for beginners as well as anyone who wants a quick refresher before a trip or exam!
Rhythms Easy Persian
One of our writers shared the link to this audiobook, and the Persian Experts team all had the same reaction — shock and amazement. EuroTalk has created a way to learn Farsi while listening to upbeat background music. The theory is genius! You practice speaking and use the music to match the natural rhythm of the language. This Farsi audiobook covers basic conversation, directions, and other everyday affairs.
Who will like this audiobook?
Rhythms Easy Persian is best suited for beginners or intermediate students who want to practice their pronunciation on the go. It would be great to listen to on a brisk walk or on your drive to work.
Learn Persian: A Complete Phrase Compilation for Traveling to Iran
It is our opinion that this compilation takes the cake as the best audiobook for learning Farsi. While there may be more organized programs on the market, Learn Persian gives you 7.5 hours of content! This book covers every topic imaginable over 75 lessons. The instruction is phenomenal and will definitely prepare you for a trip to Iran or higher-level learning.
Who will like this audiobook?
If you want to learn Farsi with just one book, then this is the best choice for you. It is best for beginners or 2nd semester Farsi students. It is an entire course in one book — truly an amazing value!
1000 essential words in Persian
Research shows that 20% of words in a language are used 80% of the time. The creators of this book took this idea and ran with it. 1000 essential words in Persian covers the most used Farsi words over nearly 2.5 hours of instruction. Once you master these words, all you need to do is learn basic grammar to string sentences together. This book is great for listening to in the car or at the gym, but we think sitting still and reviewing these words may be a bit tedious.
Who will like this audiobook?
Beginner and intermediate students can both benefit from this Persian audiobook. The words are quite diverse and cover a wide array of topics. We recommend getting this book as a supplemental learning tool!
Audiobooks to Learn about Persian Culture
Learn Persian: Discover Iranian Culture & Traditions
While this book does include some Farsi instruction, it’s main focus is to educate listeners on Persian culture. Over 3 hours of instruction, this Persian audiobook packs many different lessons on daily life in Iran. We think it provides an excellent rundown on everything you need to survive a visit to Iran.
Who will like this audiobook?
If you are going to Iran or will be spending time with Iranians, this book is a must! If you aren’t too interested in learning a new language, this book will give you the basics of Farsi while providing detailed nuances of the Persian culture.
Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America
You may have seen this book before if you read our Best Books to Learn Farsi. The audio version is just as impressive! The author, Firoozeh Dumas, narrates this collection of funny and challenging memories of her upbringing in United States. If you are Iranian, you may resonate with some of these vignettes. If you aren’t, then these tales will provide you a unique perspective of Persian life.
Who will like this audiobook?
This book is best for someone who wants to hear specific stories of Persian family life. You may learn some aspects of the Iranian culture or language, but this book will not really teach you much in that regard.
Once You Go Persian: A Survival Guide from a “Half”
K-von has quickly become one of the most popular modern Persian comedians worldwide. He is a household name to most Iranian families. This audiobook is full of funny issues only a half-Persian would encounter. That said, K-von tells a story that Persians and non-Persians alike will resonate with. We found it to be just as enlightening as it is hilarious.
Who will like this audiobook?
If you are a half-Persian, then you probably will laugh non-stop while listening to this audiobook. Everyone else will still appreciate the one-of-a-kind situations that K-von endures on his quest to trace his Persian heritage. You will not learn much Farsi, but you will get very hilarious insight into modern Persian culture.
Shahnameh: The Epic of the Persian Kings
If you know anything about Persian literature, then you probably have heard of the Shanameh. Written by Ferdowsi over 1,000 years ago, this tale is now even easier to understand with this audiobook. We love the narrator’s voice and energy; it adds another layer to the story that you wouldn’t get in a book. In all, this Persian audiobook lasts for 12 hours. It is perfect for long road trips or while out on a run.
Who will like this audiobook?
A student of Persian culture MUST understand this epic. It is a hallmark of Iranian culture. Now, you can listen to this tale and learn a piece of Iranian tradition that you can share with your Persian friends. That said, even the casual listener will find the Shahnameh audiobook to be exciting from start to finish.
Iran: A Modern History
This Persian audiobook is the ultimate resource for understanding how modern Iran formed. Over nearly 42 hours, you will learn aspects of Iran that most college graduates never learn. From the different societal segments to how music and art affected the nation, this book gives you everything. This is essentially a university level course that you can enjoy whenever you want.
Who would like this audiobook?
If you are a student of history or want to understand the ideology of Iranian leaders, then you will love this book! If you just want to add some cultural understanding to your Farsi skills, we recommend one of the other Persian audiobooks on this list.
Wrapping Up
We hope one of these Persian audiobooks can help you improve your Farsi and learn more about the Iranian culture. We tried to get a list that covered both educational and entertaining topics. Leave a comment if you have a favorite audiobook!
Be sure to read our complete guide on learning Farsi for more helpful ways to master the Persian language. Pin for later – just click on the image below:

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