Learn Farsi Online with a Persian Tutor

learn Farsi online with a persian tutor

Technology has made language learning quite simple these days. From countless digital books and poems to personalized video calls, you will easily find a great way to learn Farsi online.

Some people do fine with software and mobile apps, while others want to learn Farsi through one-on-one conversation with a Persian tutor who can explain the finer points of the language.

Keep reading to find out what to expect from an online Persian tutor and see how you can learn Farsi online.

Who should learn Farsi online?

Many people struggle to learn languages, especially once they hit adulthood. Often, these late bloomers will try to learn Persian at a summer program or through university study. However, this is time-consuming and interferes with daily life.

Anyone with a computer or smartphone can learn Farsi online. There are so many resources available that you should easily find a program that works for you.

Here are some people who would benefit from online classes with a Persian tutor.

  • Anyone who works 9-5 and doesn’t have time for formal classes
  • People who do not live near universities or language schools
  • Former Persian students who want to refine their abilities
  • Those who are planning a trip to Iran and want to understand the basics of Farsi

Farsi teacher in classroom

Aren’t face-to-face Persian classes more effective?

This question does not have a straightforward answer. Some people might enjoy in-person Persian classes more than others, but how do we gauge effectiveness?

You might have a Farsi tutor who does not teach that well in a classroom. Alternatively, your online Persian teacher may not do the trick either.

You will have to do your research as far as quality goes, but let’s take a look at some key differences between face-to-face classes and learning Farsi online.

In-Person Classes

Think of it this way — A traditional class typically meets once or twice a week for up to 2 hours. You may also have homework or other extra activities that take another hour to complete.

The price for one of these programs can be anywhere from $300-$400 per week. You can expect class sizes of 5-10 people. Topics will be basic until you get to higher levels. Slow learners can also hold back the class, delaying your progress.

Total Farsi exposure with in-person classes = 4-5 hours per week

Online Classes

If you want to learn Farsi online, the classes are usually planned to fit into your schedule. Moreover, you can go at your own pace since the Farsi tutor is custom-making the lessons for you.

This perk is awesome if you may want to cram before a meeting with an Iranian firm or take a crash course before your trip to Iran.

Some Persian tutors can meet with you daily to speak for 1-2 hours. They usually offer additional video modules to help you learn Persian.

A high-quality Farsi teacher charges around $50 per hour but provides personalized training to suit your needs.

Total Farsi exposure with a Persian tutor = 5-10 hours per week plus additional videos

Factor in the cost of face-to-face learning as well as class size issues, and it becomes quite apparent that the traditional model can hinder your growth.

Learning Farsi from an online Persian tutor provides a higher-level of instruction at an affordable rate.

Finding the best online Farsi tutor

Do you want an online Persian instructor? If so, do not go straight to Google and choose the first result. You may end up with a Farsi teacher who will only waste your time and money.

Our team constantly looks for new ways to learn Farsi online, which includes researching websites and Farsi teachers.

We have found a fantastic Persian tutor that can help with any skill level. You are sure to love speaking with her!

Tina Rahimi runs FarsiWizard.org — a website dedicated to helping people explore the Persian language through personalized Farsi classes online. We spoke to Tina and found her to be polite, knowledgeable, and committed to sharing the beauty of the Persian language.

From preparing for a trip to Iran to understanding classic Persian literature, Tina’s classes can cover anything related to the Persian language. She is quite the versatile Farsi tutor!

Check out this video from Tina’s channel to see how in-depth she covers a topic.

Supplement Your Learning

Your skills will improve greatly when you learn Persian online. A Farsi tutor can help with your pronunciation, phrasing, speed, and more. You will love learning the language and will want to continue practicing outside of class.

You may consider buying a book to improve your grammar or vocabulary. If so, do your research and find an option that will meet your needs as you improve.

Check out our list of the Best Books to Learn Farsi and the Best Audiobooks to Learn Farsi

Learn Farsi Online with a Persian Tutor

2 thoughts on “Learn Farsi Online with a Persian Tutor

  1. Hello
    I would like to teach Persian online and I just wanted some tips on how to conduct that.
    For example, is the procedure like an in class session? Should the student choose a Persian name?

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